Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's that time of year where all the crafty people LOVE to show off. Us every day go getters are jealous and wish we could do some of the cool crafts that so many people create. I LOVE Halloween and am excited because one of my friends, and Ella's bestest bud, Molly, made the most ADORABLE Halloween costume. Its a made from scratch Ariel costume that EVERYONE will be jealous of. She even made the cutest seashell headband to go with it.
People like Molly make me want to be creative and make things, not only for myself, but for my kiddos. I have decided to invest in my first sewing machine. Not sure what kind to get or what I would need...but something pretty basic to start off. I am scared to say one of my first projects may be a T-shirt quilt using all of my old SIU softball t-shirts. Nothing like jumping in feet first right away, but I figure if I screw it up, at least I tried. I may have to head over to Jimmy's mom for help because she is a pro when it comes to quilting!!! I can use all the help I can get.
But, good work to all you crafty moms...and feel free to send any cute ideas my way. I did, however, make some ADORABLE Halloween cards last night for my kiddos. I will have to post a picture of them for you when I get back home today!
Last day of September! Happy October!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ella has been doing the CUTEST thing lately. As soon as we walk in the door to pick her up at daycare she runs over and says, "I missed you so much today, Mommy/Daddy." I thought my heart was going to melt. Ella has been so flexible when it comes to daycare and bouncing around wherever we go. We go up to St. Louis a lot to visit family and never throws a fit about needing to sleep in her own bed or not getting the things from her usual routine. I am truly so lucky when it comes to that. There is nothing harder than a child who is so stuck in a routine and then trying to take them out of it.
We just booked a trip to Michigan for the Michigan vs. Ohio State football game this fall. It will be my first trip leaving Tyler and I must say I am a little traumatized already and the trip is still 2 months away. So sad to leave a 5 month old!!!!! I know Ella will do great. She loves Mimo and Grandpa...and hopefully she will get to visit her favorite cousins while she is in town too! But, I am sure leaving Tyler will break my heart! Which you would think it would be nice to get away and sleep in and not have any worries...but moms are not built like that. :) At least I am not. I am sure once I get up there it will be relaxing, but pulling out of that driveway...the tears will be flowing...kind of like the first day back at work. Oh well, that is just one of the hardest parts of being a mom...and I love EVERY second of it!!


I don't know if my students are just that out of shape or if EVERY single kid has exercise induced asthma, but the coughing in my class is going to drive me nuts. How can every kid in all my classes be sick with a cough?? After any amount of running I have to YELL my directions to my students because they are coughing so much I find myself forced to yell OVER them. All while making me nauseous thinking of how the swine flu is most likely floating in the air straight toward my face. AWFUL!! I am the furthest think from a hypochondriac, but this swine flu has me on edge. Mostly because I have two kids at home...and one is rather fresh, so I am scared to death that even if I don't happen to catch it or show symptoms, they will get it FROM me. That would be the biggest guilt trip EVER. You gave your children swine flu.
So, sadly, as a P.E. teacher, I am just hoping my kids are that out of shape. Especially since I woke up this morning with a sore throat...please hope I am not getting sick!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Why do guys let this face win? I think it is hilarious (sometimes) that guys are willing to fall for this face! If she can do it on command then why is it that they think she is really pouting when she wants something. Maybe my husband is the only sucker, but when Ella puts on her "pouty face" Jimmy is putty in her hands...or toys in the shopping cart. ha ha ha. I LOVE to watch Ella do her "pouty face." However, she knows that it only works on Daddy. Who knows...maybe Tyler will have a face that only mommy falls for. We will see :)

Pee Pee in the Potty

Ella has truly MASTERED the art of potty training. She has only had 3 accidents in the past 3 weeks and I am so impressed. She has really shown mommy that she is a big girl and I couldn't be more proud. Thanks to my sister, Marta's, ideas of potty treats she has always loved using the potty and tells us every time she needs to go. I really thought it was going to be harder than this. We have even tested her in social events...such as visits to restaurants and going to the grocery store. STILL tells mommy or daddy. Jimmy had his first potty time in the men's room with Ella because I wasn't around. I was DYING when he told me. So congrats to Ella! Keep up the good work!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Friends

Well today I found myself in a major jam...I received a phone call at 5:51am from my childrens' child care provider informing us that her son has a 103 temp and that she thought it would be best if we found another place for Ella and Tyler to go today. So, I finished feeding Tyler at 6:15am and then started on my mission for alternate babysitters. My husband COULD have watched the kids if we absolutely had to...but he works late nights (usually getting home around 3 or 4am) so he would be going on about 2 hrs of sleep for the day, and there were quite a few things he needed to get done today...big "Pimps and Hos Party" tomorrow night. (My husband runs a bar if you are lost) So my good friend Rebekah offered up her services and I can't thank her enough. I don't have any family where we live, and Jimmy's family is I can't say enough about how nice it was to have a true friend step up and be there for us. Normally, I would be so lucky to have one of my fabulous sisters do the deed for me...but since the closest one is 2 hours away, that wasn't going to happen this morning!!
Just makes you think about how important family is...and the people who act like family when they are most needed. So thank you made my day today!!

Oh...and for a school note...I had to drag a student down a handicap ramp by his feet this morning because he refused to leave my class when he was in trouble. Just a little glimpse into what I deal with in this town!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What is wrong with kids today???

So, because this is my first week back at school, I must say that I am SHOCKED to see what kids are like these days. Last year I worked 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade, and this year I have been stuck with Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd and I am RAGING!!! I LOVED the kids I taught last year. They loved coming to P.E. and they could listen and follow directions. This year I want to shoot myself because I am surrounded with kids who literally have NO ability to listen or follow directions. I mean is asking the kids to "sit on the bottom step" really too much to expect from 5 year olds? I had kids on the top 4 steps...the ground...and 3 of them were still standing while everyone else is sitting. You would think even if they DIDN'T hear the directions themselves they could at least figure it out by watching everyone else. Maybe I have too high of expectations. My 2 year old listens better than them.
I find myself watching Supernanny every night in order to get ideas and techniques to help me control the OUT of control kids that are in my classes. They are really just like the psychos that hit and kick at their parents...only I am their teacher, unable to fight back! Things have in no way gotten physical, but I do feel like that is where it is headed with some of these students. I have already set up the "naughty corner" for the kids to go when they don't follow directions. Thanks Jo...Supernanny. They need to have a "Superteacher" show nowadays!!!

Maybe this is what I need...
School Kids Threatened With Tasers? - Mobile Police Mobile County School Board -

More P.E. stories to come...

I am officially a BLOGGER

I am now officially a blogger...not sure how often I will be doing this, but I hope I can do it at least a couple times a week :) I am a busy mom of two and love to spend time with my little munchkins, Ella and Tyler.

I just went back to work after baby #2. I had him June 20th, and since I am a teacher I only had to take 4 weeks of maternity leave which was definitely NOT enough...but really NO time would have been enough. I had to go back, and now we are getting back into a routine. My two year old, Ella, is THRILLED to be back at day care. She loves her provider, "Miss Love." I never worry about her at all during the day! I think she is happier there than at home sometimes because she is OBSESSED with playing with other kids. Good thing she has a brother growing fast for her to play with!! Well, this will be my first post for now. Gonna add some pictures and other fun stuff now. Happy Thursday!